Family claims dual Saudi-US citizen detained and tortured

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WASHINGTON (AP) — The family of a dual Saudi-U.S. citizen imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for more than a year are claiming that he has been regularly tortured and is on the verge of an emotional breakdown.

After months of quietly trying to secure his release, the family of Dr. Walid Fitaihi (wal-eed fi-TAY-hee) now seeks to publicly pressure both the Saudi government and the Trump administration.

Fitaihi was detained in November 2017 as part of a mass roundup that the Saudi government claimed was part of a crackdown on corruption. He remains imprisoned without formal charges.

His family claims he has been tortured and his physical and emotional state is deteriorating. They are asking the Trump administration to intervene, however President Trump has proven reluctant to criticize his close allies in Riyadh.
