



We accept GIF, JPEG and SWF formats, Maximum of four animated frames per creative.

Macromedia Flash (.swf) ads should have a “Click” variable expression in place for embedded URLs and target windows must be set to “_blank”.

All flash creatives require a back-up GIF image.


Artwork to be provided by the advertisers, saved in JPEG, GIF or SWF format.

All adverts are expected to be pre-paid.

Advert materials may be sent as attachment to an-email and sent to:, or (by hand or through the past) in CD, or a flash drive.

Advert rates are subject to change without notice but adverts currently running are protected from increase until the duration expires. An advert run start the day the adverts is published on the website and runs for the period paid for.


All adverts are subject to legal vetting, prior to publication.


The rate of advert is here in pdf